Connector Configuration

Table of Contents

General information

Navigate to Koongo Connector → Configuration to set up general configuration options:

  • Automatically add new products to export profiles - If Yes, then new products are added automatically to Export profile once Export profile has been created with option Use Category-Product Filter = Yes.
  • Number of products loaded from db in one batch - Default value 1000 is in the most cases appropriate. If you run Magento on low-memory server, then you may need to decrease this value.
  • Product image folder - Default value "catalog/product" is in the most case appropriate. Export process uses the value for an image url construction.
  • Debug mode - Yes/No. Default values is No. See below.
  • Provide Feed Usage Log - Yes by default. For details see Feed Usage Tracking.
  • Regular expression for illegal characters removal This regular expression will be used for removal of illegal non-ascii characters from product data during export process. Illegal characters can cause errors during export process. For more information please follow Invalid product and or category data.
  • Enable taxonomies rendering - Yes/No. Default value is Yes. With regard to the highest performance of categories rendering in Catalog → Manage Categories you may set this option to No if you don't need Feed taxonomies.
  • Allow inactive categories export - Yes/No. By default Yes, products are exported only from all categories (when using Category-Product Filter).
  • Allow export of child products of selected parent products - Yes/No. Useful option when category filter is enabled in Export profile. When using configurable products quite often only configurable products (i.e. parent products) are associated to categories but corresponding child products (i.e. simple products) are often associated only with root category, if any. Setting up this value to No means you get zero products exported if you want to export only simple products from specific category of parent products! Better to keep this option Yes. For details see XML-453.
  • Allow excluded images export - Yes/No. By default, all product images are exported regardless the setup of Excluded image attribute in product detail. If you choose No only non-excluded images will be exported. Note for developers - XML-386.
  • Allow placeholder image export - Yes by default. If a product does not have an image defined you can allow export of placeholder image instead. If you set this option to No then image attribute is not exported in XML/CSV file at all if product image is not set up. More information about placeholder images in Magento you find here. This is a new configuration option introduced in connector version (XML-636).
  • Allow super attributes export - Enable automatic export of super attributes (= attributes that distinguish variants e.g. colour, size). This feature is available just for some feeds.
  • Configurable product export - calculate price - Calculate price for a configurable product from own variants/child products. The price of cheapest variant is set to the configurable product. 
  • Bundle export - only required options - Yes/No. Fetch only required options during bundle product stock and price calculation. Learn more about bundle products export at Feature List#Bundleproducts.
  • Bundle export - only default option itemsYes/No.  Fetch only default option items during bundle product stock and price calculation.  Bundle product price is calculated as a sum of all default option items price. Bundle product is in stock only if all default option items are in stock. Learn more about bundle products export at Feature List#Bundleproducts.
  • Show qty column in category-product filter grid - Default Yes. When you choose No then QTY column will not be visible in Category-Product filter. For details see Error when opening an export profile.
  • Show multi-attribute rows in attribute mapping table - Default No. If set to No rows with Media Gallery, Categories and Super Attributes are no more displayed in attribute mapping table as all those attributes are exported automatically. New option introduced in connector version For details review also Attribute is disabled for edit.
  • Show Koongo as a Service info message - New info message introduced since connector version For details see /wiki/spaces/koongo/pages/788158.
  • Show Koongo Blog News - New info message introduced since connector version For details see Koongo News Block.
  • Disabled Attributes for Product Filters - Some product attributes are not useful for Attribute filter and are therefore disabled here.

Product and Category URL Export

New feature in

Note that this option was introduced in Koongo Connector version Upgrade!

You can choose from two strategies for product and category URL export:

  • Flat catalog - default value from connector version
    • Export process run faster since the URL attribute is loaded from Flat tables.
    • However, sometimes may cause problems since Flat catalog and URL attribute re-index do not work properly in all Magento versions. 
  • Core URL rewrite - default strategy in connector version and older
    • The logic of this strategy is more complicated and could make the export process slower, especially when the core_url_rewrite table is bigger (more than > 100K rows). See also Slow export process of some export profiles.
    • However, exported values are always correct, regardless the Magento version.

Feed settings

Here you may choose Feeds that will be visible during Export profile setup process. By default all Feeds associated with purchased Feed collections are activated.

Debug mode

Debug mode is by default disabled. However, in rare cases you are experiencing some issues with connector setup of running Export profiles you may turn it ON. As a result you should get some diagnostic information, such as:

  • Memory consumed and time spent during Export profile execution.
  • A link for general configuration check.
  • Button Update Feed and Taxonomies is splitted into two buttons Update Feed List and Update Feed Taxonomies.
  • When activating Trial version of Koongo Connector and Debug mode turned OFF Feed and Taxonomies are downloaded automatically from Koongo server. When Debug mode is ON, you have to click the Update Feed List and Update Feed Taxonomies buttons to start the downloading process.

If you don't see here any Feeds, please make you sure that you have already downloaded Feeds and Taxonomies from Koongo server. Please see Getting Feeds & Taxonomies.