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Connector Installation Servise

Did you know that you may order professional connector installation by Koongo support team? Just place an order of Connector Installation service!

Detailed articles

Quick solutions

 After module installation I got 404 error

This is NOT module bug and this may happen after installation of any Magento module.

Refresh your cache under System → Cache management. Then, log-out from your backend and then log-in again. That should help!

 Profile is not possible to run due to missing attribute

Attribute is not present in flat product catalogue. You need to do following:

  1. navigate to Catalog →Attributes and in attribute detail setup the option Use in product listing = true
  2. navigate to System → Index Management and reindex Product Flat Data; in some cases you need to make the reindex twice
  3. refresh cache, logout and login again

Futher information you may find in Attributes Mapping.

 Unable to generate an export. Warning: include(XsltProcessor.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in X

Unable to generate an export. Warning: include(XsltProcessor.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in XXX/lib/Varien/Autoload.php on line 93

Please ask your hosting provider or server administrator to allow or install XSLT PHP library. Export module can't work without this extension. You can try to run Compatibility test before connector installation.

In some rare cases this error you can get this error even if you have installed the XSLT library. It happens usually in connector versions and due to wrong encoding of some special non-ASCII characters. If this is your case, please upgrade to connector version of higher.

 Feed and taxonomy update doesn´t work

In some cases we have registred problems when client tries Update feed list or Update feed taxonomies, although the License key is valid. If this is also your case, you can try following:

 Missing attribute nsc_taxonomy_*

Attributes nsc_taxonomy_* are not present in flat category catalogue. You need to do following:

  1. navigate to System → Index Management and reindex Category Flat Data; in some cases you need to make the reindex twice
  2. refresh cache, logout and login again

Futher information you may find in Taxonomies Setup.

 Unexpected T_CATCH error

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CATCH in /app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/controllers/Adminhtml/ScheduleController.php on line 1

  • This is know error that was fixed in release Please update to this module version or newer.
 Unable to generate an export. Following attributes missing in product flat catalog: image

This is not bug. You need to setup attributes for export correctly. See Attributes Mapping.

 Blank screen in category detail

Blank screen may occur in Category detail or after clicking on Reload taxonomy button. Solution for this problem is to increase Memory Limit in your php.ini or .htaccess (256M should be enough). This issue will be solved in upcoming module version.

 Invalid XML file

If the generated XML file is invalid, please double check your browser cache (try press F5 or Crtl+R several times). This problem usually occurs after Export profile modification and subsequent new generation of XML file. You can also check the file validity directly in file system in folder /media/xmlFeedExport/.

 Feeds specification load failed: Invalid or empty server response.

Feeds specification load failed: Invalid or empty server response.Curl error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

  • This is know error in module version and was fixed in version
 Fatal error: Class 'Nostress_Nscexport_Helper_Data' not found in XXX on line 516

Probably you didnt turn off the compilation feature in Magento. You need to run the compilation process again - navigate to System → Tools → Compilation.

If you are unable to navigate to this section, uninstall the module first and refresh the cache. Then turn off compilation and install the module again.

 Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttributesSetup() on a non-object in XXX

Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttributesSetup() on a non-object in XXX/app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/Model/Profile.php on line 1.

Probably you use Suhosin PHP extension. Following variables must have these values:

  • 400

  • suhosin.request.max_vars 400

You can set up these variables in your .htaccess file in your Magento installation dir. If you wish to do so, ask your hosting administrator to set up suhosin.perdir = 'pr' in server configuration.

 Can't load attribute_filter configuration.

See the solution for previous error. This error is also connected with Suhosin.

 Can't load product configuration.

See the solution for previous error. This error is also connected with Suhosin.

 Unknown column 'cpf1.xxxxx_value'

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'cpf2.score_value' in 'field list'

  • This is know multi-select attributes error in module version and was fixed in version
 Frontend error - Class 'Zend_Log' not found
*Fatal error*: Class 'Zend_Log' not found in * magento root dir/includes/src/Nostress_Nscexport_Block_Ga.php*on line *1
  • This is know error in module version and was fixed in version
 Taxonomy "Google" locale: "nl_NL" hasn't been updated Error:PHP Extension "mbstring" must be loaded.

You need to install PHP extension called mbstring. Ask your server administrator.

 Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'as70nskoongo.catalog_product_flat_1' doesn't exis

Koongo Connector requires product data stored as "flat catalog" in database. You need to do following:

  1. navigate to System → Index Management
  2. reindex Product Flat Data and Category Flat Data; in some cases you need to make the reindex twice
 Blank page or no content at Koongo Connector → Export profiles

The same problem may occur in Koongo Connector → Cronjob → Schedule and Koongo Connector → Cronjob → History.

This problem is caused by disabled Koongo Connector output Magneto configuration usually happens after connector installation.

Do the following:

  1. Navigate to System → Configuration → Section Advanced → Advanced → Disable Modules Output
  2. Set field Nostress_Nscexport to Enable
 Invalid or empty server response.Curl error:

Please check server setup for 'curl_exec' and 'curl_multi_exec' executing through PHP. It is possible that the executing  is disabled.

 Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'PARAM_DELIMITER'

This problem you may experience when upgrading the connector from version 5.x to 6.x and is related to the organization of files within connector package. In version 5.x and older, the files were store in local code pool. In newer, the files were moved to community code pool. Check /app/code/ folder. In some rare cases this problem can be related to Aitoc Cache module.

 Invalid product and/or category data source

For solution please follow page Invalid product and or category data.

 New products are not added to the feed

For solution please follow page New products are not added to the feed.

Error rendering macro 'create-from-template' : No space found with space key: KoongoConnector