Use Cases

How to get the best from the Koongo Connector functionality? Let's see what's possible! (smile) Here you may find some basic common examples of connector usage, however this list is of course not complete.

Table of Contents

Export only configurable products without associated simple products

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 3rd tab Product filter and in field Parent - Child set up option Parents only. For details see Product Filter.

Export of configurable product with grouped values (e.g. Size, Colour) of its associated variants (child simple product) 

  • This feature is dependent on the feed layout specification. For example, it is utilized in feed layouts for, and others.  It is possible to develop any custom feed layout, which will export grouped values for any attribute according to customer needs.  For details see Custom Feed Layout.

Export of category tree

  • Category tree is exported by feeds, whose type is category.  Category feeds are currently defined for and It is possible to develop custom feed layout, which will export categories in customer's desired format - tree or list.  For details see Custom Feed Layout.

Export simple products associated to given configurable product

  • Associated simple products are exported by default. In order to export only the associated simple products, go to Export profile detail, click the 3rd tab Product filter and in field Parent - Child set up option Childs only. For details see Product Filter.

Export In stock products only

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 4th tab Attribute filter and in field  Export Out of Stock Products set up option Yes. For details see Attribute Filter.
  • You can also set dependency of In Stock value at Export profile - Feed details - Stock status dependence. For details see Feed Details.

Export Out of stock products with specific label for delivery date

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 2nd tab Feed details and in field Attribute to export if Out of stock select an attribute. The attribute value will be exported instead of Out of stock Value(previous field) for products, which will be out of stock. For details see Feed Details.

Export products within selected category

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 3rd tab Product filter and in field Use Category-Product Filter select Yes. Afterwards, Category-Product filter will display a category tree with product grid. You can select desired categories for export in the category tree or just particular products for currently selected category in product grid. For details see Category-Product Filter.

Export products matching specific criteria

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 4th tab Attribute filter and in section Attribute filter set specific criteria according to Your needs in standard magento attribute filter. For details see Attribute Filter.

Export shipping costs


Map store categories onto feed categories


Custom attributes in the XML/CSV file


Custom XML file structure


Specific suffix to product URLs


Convert attribute value

  • Go to Export profile detail, click the 2nd tab Feed details and in Attributes mapping table set up translaction criteria in the column Convert attribute value. For details see Attributes Mapping.

Extended attribute export

  • This feature may be very usefull for better SEO! In the columns Prefix and Suffix you may use special expressions allowing extended attribute value export in the form of product description. For details see Attributes Mapping.