Taxonomies Setup

Table of Contents

Upgrade your connector

In Koongo Connector version we have introduced some major changes in the logic of taxonomies handling and processing, causing noticable increase of the rendering speed of category page. If you are facing some performance issues or rendering errors we encourage you to upgrade your connector to the version or newer.

What is Feed taxonomy?

Basicaly, taxonomies allow you to map your store categories onto feed categories. The term Feed taxonomy is explained in Terms Definitions.

Please note that not all Feed authorities provide category trees, so Taxonomies for all Feed layouts are not available.

The taxonomy setup is actually available only on a category level. The setup on a product level is on the roadmap but not scheduled. Thus fire us a message if you need to define taxonomies on a product level.

Taxonomies rendering

Taxonomies rendering is enabled by default but you may disable taxonomies rendering in Connector Configuration.

Performance of category page rendering

You see only taxonomies corresponding to the existing Export profiles (Koongo → Export profiles). Thus, the right proceedure how to activate rendering of given taxomony is as follows:

  1. Create Export profile in Koongo → Export profiles
  2. Navigate to Catalog → Manage Categories click Koongo Connector tab where you see that taxonomies are disabled. Navigate to configuration and enable taxonomies rendering.
  3. Return to category management page where you should see category tree (i.e. taxonomy) for given Export profile (feed). Note that not all feed authorities provide taxonomies!

Note that:

  • Note that if you use more taxonomies you may need to increase memory limit in your PHP, sometimes up to 512MB. Failing to do so may end up by various errors or a blank page (and error message in your php log). High memory consumption is caused by loading of category trees of 100-1000 and more items per just single taxonomy.
  • You may also selectively disable rendering of some unused taxonomies in connector configuration (hold CTRL button on your keyboard and left click on your mouse).
  • If any given feed is deactivated, then its taxonomy is deactivated automaticaly as well.
  • If any given taxonomy was originaly activated and you set up the taxonomy and subsequenly you deactivated the rendering of this taxonomy, then the "association data" are still stored in the database. This means, if you re-enable this taxonomy again, you don't have to set up the association again.

Taxonomy setup

To setup category mapping navigate to Catalog → Manage Categories. Click on a category to open the category detail and choose desired mapping:

Store-view specific setup

Some Feed authorities provide language-specific taxonomies which you can use with advantage for your localized Magento multi-website or multi-store setup. However, in this case, you have to set up the taxonomy associations manually for every Store View (using the Choose Store View select in left up corner of category management page.

Taxonomy attributes

If given Feed Authority provides taxonomy, a few feed-specific taxonomy attributes are automatically created. You can use them in Attributes Mapping table to fine tune your Export profile. For instance, in the case of you may see following attributes:

  • Beslist Category ID
  • Beslist Category Name

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