Shipping Costs Export

New feature

 Please note that the feature described below was introduced to Koongo Connector since its version Thus, we encouradge you to upgrade your connector to the latest version available.

Table of Contents

Simple shipping costs settings

By default, Koongo Connector comes with simple built-in functionality for basic setup of shipping costs per product. You have several options:

  • Shipping costs dependent on - Choose the appropriate product price attribute.
  • Shipping method name - This value will be exported into XML/CSV file.
  • Shipping costs intervals - simply define the product price intervals and corresponding shipping price.

Subsequently, choose Shipping cost attribute as a Feed attribute suitable for storing this product information.

Advanced shipping costs export

We have developed plugin called Magento Shipping Plugin that integrates default Magento shipping methods with Koongo Connector. Usage of this plugin in the context of Koongo Connector is described in plugin documentation page.

3rd party shipping modules

Based on feedback received from Koongo users we know that a lot of our users may use a more advanced shipping costs configuration. For this purposes, many of the use some 3rd party shippng modules and we have developed other Plugins that allow easy integration of such shipping costs modules with Koongo Connetor within the same Magento instance.

Plugin list

The complete list of already supported and integrated shipping and other 3rd party modules you can find Plugins section.