2dehands.be - XML
2dehands.be - XML
Open an account with 2dehands.be or 2memain.be
Create your account on 2dehands.be or 2memain.be
General advice
Before processing a feed, sellers need to update their company name in their company details and seller page settings in the profile settings of their account, to prevent ads going live with incorrect seller names. Also, postal code needs to be set in company details (if not, feed functionality can’t be enabled).
Set your 2dehands.be or 2memain.be feed up
- Set the feed up - Export Profile Setup
Adjust the 2dehands.be or 2memain.be feed
- totalBudget - The overall budget for an advertisement. It has to be greater or equal than EUR 50,- and in whole cents (i.e. 9999 = EUR 99,99). If no correct value is provided, it will be set to unlimited.
- dailyBudget - The maximum budget for an advertisement which can be spent on one day. It has to be greater or equal than EUR 10,- and in whole cents (i.e. 9999 = EUR 99,99). If no correct value is provided, it will not be set.
- cpc - Cost-Per-Click for an advertisement. It has to be greater or equal than EUR 0,02 and in whole cents (i.e. 2 = EUR 0,02 ). If no correct value is provided, it will be defaulted to the minimum of EUR 0,02.
Map the store categories to 2dehands.be categories
- Map your store categories to 2dehands categories - Taxonomies Setup#Taxonomysetup
2dehands.be feed validation
- Once you have created your feed please contact us at support@koongo.com. We will validate your feed for you.
2dehands.be feed submission
- After the successful validation log into your 2dehands account and click Mijn feed.
- Insert your feed into Feed URL.
If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us at support@koongo.com.
You can use professional 2dehands channel setup. Please check the Channel Setup option.
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