Amazon Integration over API for M1 - setup

Amazon Integration over API for M1 - setup

Once you have signed up for Amazon Merchant Account you need to associate your Amazon account with Koongo. 

To be able to connect to your Amazon account you need to register as a developer and get Seller ID, Access Key, and Secret Key from Amazon seller account.

Here you can find more information about Amazon developer registration:


Table of Contents

Log in your Amazon Seller Central

Please log in to Amazon Seller Central and go to Settings>User Permissions.

Get Seller ID

Copy the Seller ID and fill it in your Connector API setting section. Then, click View your credentials in Action Taken section.

Get Access Key and Secret Key

Now, you can view your Access Key and Secret Key as visible in the screenshot below.

Fill Amazon credentials

Go to your Connector Amazon API settings, select Amazon marketplace and fill the Seller ID, Access Key and Secret Key. Save and submit to Amazon marketplace.

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