Tab 4: Attribute Filter
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Filters under Attribute filter allow you to filter products based on products attributes.
Stock filter
Stock filter is powerful feature allowing you to export products based Stock status or Qty or both. Since Koongo Connector you have here two options:
- Stock status dependence - This option defines the conditions that given product must meet in order to be considered as In Stock or Out of Stock:
- Stock status only - Product is considered to be In Stock if product attribute Stock Availability is set as In Stock. Otherwise, product is considered as Out of Stock.
- Stock status & Qty - Product is considered to be In Stock if product product attribute Stock Availability is set as In Stock AND if product Qty > 0. Otherwise, product is considered as Out of Stock.
- Qty only - Product is considered to be In Stock if product Qty is > 0. Otherwise, product is considered as Out of Stock.
- Export Out of Stock Products - According to product Stock Status defined by the option above you can choose whether you want to export Out of Stock products or not.
* Qty means Quantity.
Manage Stock = No
In some cases the stock management may be disabled in System → Configuration → Inventory → Manage Stock. In this case all products are considered as In Stock:
- Manage Stock = No and Stock status dependence = Stock status only → Product is considered as In Stock.
- Manage Stock = No and Stock status dependence = Stock status and Qty → Product is considered as In Stock (even if Qty ≤ 0).
- Manage Stock = No and Stock status dependence = Qty only → Product is considered as In Stock (even if Qty ≤ 0).
Visibility filter
This filter is useful in combination with Product filter in tab 3. If you display in your frontend only parent products but you prefer to have child products in XML file (or in the opposite way), Product filter and Visibility filter are the places of your interest.
- General Product Visibility - Default setup is in the most cases the most appropriate.
- Parent Product Visibility - Default setup is in the most cases the most appropriate.
Attribute filter
Check connector configuration
Some attributes are disabled by default and thus they are not visible in Attribute filter. You may enable them in connector configuration page - navigate to Koongo Connector → Configuration → option Disabled Attributes for Product Filters.
Attribute filter is advanced feature which allows you to limit product selection based on specified attribute values..
In the figure above you can see a setup of the Attribute filter that will allow the export of products matching these criteria:
- product is active only in August 2013
- product quantity is higher than 5
- product size is XL