Table of Contents |
Here you may find instructions on how to uninstall the module. Following scenario is valid for all module versions we have released so far.
Delete folders and files
- delete folder app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/ or app/code/local/Nostress/Nscexport/ (older module versions)
- delete file app/design/adminhtnl/default/default/layout/nscexport.xml
- delete folder app/design/adminhtnl/default/default/template/nscexport/
- delete folder app/etc/modules/Nostress_Nscexport.xml
- delete folders app/locale/cs_CZ/Nostress_Nscexport.xml and app/locale/en_US/Nostress_Nscexport.xml
- delete xmlFeedExport.php in Magento root (this file was not included in all module versions)
Database modifications
- delete all tables nostress_export_*
- in table core_resource find and delete row with code = nscexport_setup
- in table eav_attribute delete all rows with code = nsc_taxonomy_*
Cache refresh
Finally, do not forget to refresh cache
, multiple selections available,