
Table of Contents

Here you may find instructions on how to uninstall the module. Following scenario is valid for all module versions we have released so far.

Delete folders and files

  • delete folder app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/ or app/code/local/Nostress/Nscexport/ (older module versions)
  • delete file app/design/adminhtnl/default/default/layout/nscexport.xml
  • delete folder app/design/adminhtnl/default/default/template/nscexport/
  • delete folder app/etc/modules/Nostress_Nscexport.xml
  • delete folders app/locale/cs_CZ/Nostress_Nscexport.xml and app/locale/en_US/Nostress_Nscexport.xml
  • delete xmlFeedExport.php in Magento root (this file was not included in all module versions)

Database modifications

  • delete all tables nostress_export_*
  • in table core_resource find and delete row with code = nscexport_setup
  • in table eav_attribute delete all rows with code = nsc_taxonomy_*


Cache refresh

Finally, do not forget to refresh cache (wink)