
Table of Contents

Connector Installation Service

Koongo Connector for Magento professional installation service is available under Connector Installation in Koongo Store.

Package Downloading

To download the connector package log in Koongo Store and proceed to My Modules for Download:

Installation Proceedure

Turn off Compiler

Before you start the installation process turn off Magento compiler. To do so, navigate to System → Tools → Compilation and disable compilation. You may turn it on after connector installation.

If you don't take this step you get probably Fatal error: Class 'Nostress_Nscexport_Helper_Data' not found in XXX on line XXX. 

  • Solution for this error: re-compile Magento files.

Magento Connect Manager

The most convenient way how to install the connector is through Magento Connect Manager.

  1. Log-in to your Magento Connect Manager, running probably on URL
  2. Upload the downloaded tgz package, as shown on the screenshot below:

Manual Installation

Unpack the downloaded tgz package locally and copy the content to your Magento installation folder using FTP or SSH/SCP client.

Please ignore the file package.xml in tgz package.

Post-installation Steps

Cache Refresh

Navigate to System → Cache Management and refresh ALL cache.

Log-out and Log-in

If you don't take this step, you may get 404 Not Found error in Koongo Connector. Is is NOT a bug of connector but known limitation of Magento.

Enable Flat Catalog

Koongo Connector uses Flat Product and Flat Category data, so please make you sure you have enabled these two settings.

You can enable Flat by clicking on the link in the notice or navigate to Configuration → System → Catalog → Frontend:

  • Use Flat Catalog Category = Yes
  • Use Flat Catalog Product = Yes

For more information please check - Flat Catalog manual

Flat Catalog disabled

If you need to disable the Flat Catalog, you need to reindex data on daily basis. You can set regular reindex via ssh and cron

Reindex Catalog and Category Index

Subsequently, navigate to System → Index Management and reindex Category Flat Data and Product Flat Data index:

Run Configuration Check

To make you sure all configuration requirements are met run Configuration Check.


To activate you Connector licence please follow


Common Magento issues related to module installation: