

Table of Contents

Switching from Trial to Full version?

If you are switching from Trial version to Full version (e.g. "paid version") you don't have to install the connector again. You may just insert the new License key.

Trial Version Activation

Navigate to Koongo → Export profiles and simply click on Activate as Koongo TRIAL button:

Full Version Activation

Find your Server ID

Navigate to Koongo Connector → License & Plugins in your Magento backend and copy your Server ID:

Generate your License key

Navigate to Koongo Store, log-in and go to Koongo License keys tab.

  1. Insert Served ID.
  2. Choose Feed Collection - i.e. collection of feeds operating in given country. By default, you may choose one Feed Collection since just one is bundled with your license. If you need more collections, you need to order them in Koongo Store (Additional Collection).
  3. Click Generate License Key button and simply confirm both inserted values. As a result, you should receive your License key.

Activate your installation

Once you have successfully generated the License key, navigate to Koongo Connector → License & Plugins and insert your License key and click on the Save Config button in the right up corner:

Your License key should be then validated and the status of  your license you may find in green text.

As soon as your License key has been validated, you can proceed with Getting Feeds & Taxonomies and module setup!

License conditions

For more information about Koongo Connector license, please see /wiki/spaces/koongo/pages/787751.