Attributes Mapping - M2
Attributes Mapping - M2
Channel Specific Settings
- Profile Name - Name of the export profile. You can use special expression which allows you to include date and time in feed file.
- Example: my-test-file-{{Y-m-d}}.xml is transformed into my-test-file-2015-11-27.xml
- Refer to PHP manual for all date and time definitions available.
- Export All Images - Allows you to export all images from Media Gallery associated with given product. Note that number of images exported may be limited by feed/channels specification.
- Yes - Export all own product images.
Yes - Export parent product images for variants - Child products in the feed will contain parent product's images.
- Yes - Export parent product images for variants (if missing own images) - If a child product have no images, then parent product's images are be exported.
- No - Disable images export.
- Export All Categories - Allows you to export all associated categories for given product. Note that this feature may be limited by feed/channels specification.
- Yes - Export all own product categories.
Yes - Export parent product categories for variants - Child products in the feed will contain parent product's categories.
- Yes - Export parent product categories for variants (if missing own categories) - If a child product have no categories, then parent product's categories are be exported.
- No - Disable categories export.
Further, you may see here attributes specific only for given feed, such as company name, company ID, contact details etc.
Attributes Mapping Table
You can map Magento attributes onto channel (Google) attributes using the attributes mapping table. The table contains following columns:
- Feed Attribute (e.g. Google) - Name of the feed attribute (=element/column in target XML/CSV feed). Brief description of current feed attribute is given in this column.
- Required - Required/Optional - Defines if current attribute must be filled with some value or can be empty.
- Magento Attribute - The value of selected Magento product attribute is exported as feed attribute value
- Default Value - Constant value.The same for all products. This value is exported in case that Magento attribute is not chosen or its value is empty.
- Settings - Click the button Settings to see advanced settings of current feed attribute.
For details please see: Attribute Mapping Table
Custom Attributes Table
You can define custom attributes for current feed using this table.
- Feed Attribute Label (e.g. Google) - Label of the feed attribute (=element/column in target XML/CSV feed).
- Magento Attribute - The value of selected Magento product attribute is exported as feed attribute value
- Default Value - Constant value.The same for all products. This value is exported in case that Magento attribute is not chosen or its value is empty.
- Settings - Click the button Settings to see advanced settings of current feed attribute.
- Delete - Remove current attribute from table.
Advanced attribute settings are similar to Attributes Mapping Table.
, multiple selections available,
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