Attributes Mapping Table

Table of Contents

You can map Magento attributes onto Google attributes using the attributes mapping table. The table contains following columns:

  • Feed Attribute (e.g. Google) - Name of the feed attribtue (=element/column in target XML/CSV feed). Brief description of current feed attribute is given in this column.
  • Required - Required/Optional - Defines if current attribute must be filled with some value or can be empty.
  • Magento Attribute - The value of selected Magento product attribute is exported as feed attribute value
  • Default Value - Constant value.The same for all products. This value is exported in case that Magento attribute is not chosen or its value is empty.
  • Settings - Click the button Settings to see advanced settings of current feed attribute. See more information below

 Attribute Advanced Settings

Advanced settings are available at modal window. Content of the window consist of 3 sections:

1. Attribute Info

Attribute description, example and set of allowed options.

2. Exported Value

Here you can adjust or define value, which is exported into current feed attribute.

  • Magento Attribute - The value of selected Magento product attribute is exported as feed attribute value
  •  - Export the parent product attribute value instead of Magento attribute value of given child product.
    • Yes - Export the parent product attribute value for all its child products.
    • No - Export of the parent product attribute value is disabled.
    • If empty - Export the parent product attribute value only if the attribute value of its child product is empty.
  • Default Value - Constant value.The same for all products. This value is exported in case that Magento attribute is not chosen or its value is empty.
  • Attribute Composition - You can combine attribute values with text values or define math operations and conditions. You can select available macros to see example statements. For details see Attribute Composition.

3. Dynamic Transformation

This section contains settings for transformation of exported value during export process.

  • Character Limit - Exported value is cropped to defined number of characters.
  • Rewrite Value - Rewrite exported value (e.g. from "L" to "Large", from "Male" to "M"). You can use regular expression to match and convert substring of the exported value.
    • Example
      To convert all small "a" to big "A" letters in the attribute value, use the following regular expression:
      From: /[a]/
      To: A
      This rule converts "BlackBerry 8100 Pearl" to "BlAckBerry 8100 PeArl".
      To remove all HTML tags apart from I, EM, B, STRONG, UL, LI, U and BR
      From: /\<((?!i\>|\/i|i\/|em\>|\/em|em\/|b\>|\/b|b\/|strong\>|\/strong|strong\/|ul\>|\/ul|ul\/|li\>|\/li|li\/|u\>|\/u|u\/|br\>|\/br|br\/)([^\>]*))\>/
      To: empty
      To transform all non-empty strings into TRUE
      From: /.+/
      To: empty
      To transform string which contains WOMEN to WOMEN and other strings to MEN.
      From: /.*WOMEN.*/  To: WOMEN
      From: /^(?!WOMEN).*/  To: MEN
    • PHP function preg_replace () is used for conversions.
  • Post-Process Action - Text processing functions for an exported value. The value is processed as a text string.
    • Encapsulate into <![CDATA[]]> - Encapsulate exported value into XML character data string.
    • Convert Text to HTML - Transform characters into HTML representation.
    • Convert Text to HTML - only: &, ", ', <, > - Transform characters &, ", ', <, > into HTML representation.
    • Convert HTML to Text - Transform HTML entities into plain text.
    • Convert HTML to Text - only: &amp;, &quot;, &#039;, &lt, &gt; - Transform HTML entities such as &amp;, &quot;, &#039;, &lt, &gt; into plain text.
    • Remove End of Line Characters - Delete end of line characters from exported value.
    • Remove HTML Tags/Elements - Delete HTML entities from exported value.
    • Remove Spaces - Delete spaces from exported value.