Export Profiles Grid

This grid contains all information needed for certain profile management. The grid columns might be separated into two groups such as action and info columns.

Action Columns

Action columns offers various buttons for export profile adjustments/execution and feed file preview/submission.

  • Feed Preview - Column contains buttons Show Preview, which opens preview of exported feed file for current profile. For details please see Feed Preview & Submission.
  • Settings - Column contains buttons for export profile adjustment.
    • Attributes - Adjustment of attributes mapping and other feed settings. For details please see Attributes.
    • Filter - Filter products in feed by stock, categories and other conditions. SeeĀ Filter for more details.
    • Channel (e.g. Beslist) Categories - Map your Magento categories directly to current channel categories. For details see Category Mapping.
  • Actions - Column contains buttons for profile execution and feed submission.
    • Execute - Dispatch current profile execution. Subsequently Feed Preview is opened after profile execution, thus you can directly check generated feed file content.
    • Schedule - Schedule current profile execution according to your needs. See Schedule for more details.
    • Ftp Submission - Adjust feed upload directly into remote FTP server. For details please see FTP Submission.

Info Columns

Profiles grid contains several info columns which might be shown/hidden as columns in other Magento 2 backend grid.

Each profile has following info columns:

  • ID - Profile internal identification number.
  • Channel - Channel selected for current profile.
  • Feed Type - Type of feed.
  • File Type - Feed file type. Options: XML/CSV/TXT
  • Store View - Export process loads data from selected store view.
  • Status - Profile Status. Options: Finished/Running/Error/New/Pending
  • Message - Message contains further information about profile status.
  • Executed - Time and date of last profile execution.