2 Amazon product feed (M2)

2 Amazon product feed (M2)



You can set up the Amazon product feed connection just for a few products. Just upload to Amazon product feed to Amazon, check and fix the errors and upload the feed again.

You can upload all of your products when the feed is correct.

Set up your product feed

Add the Amazon product feed to your profile grid. You can choose from several types of product feeds based on product category. You may need to use more than one

Adjust attribute mapping settings

You can check if all attributes below are mapped to store attributes properly.

  • Product ID - EAN or UPC number is a mandatory attribute for each product
  • Product-id-type - Please select one of the following:1 = ASIN,2 = ISBN,3 = UPC,4 = EAN (set as default)
  • Price - the price attribute can be adjusted (e.g. increased)
  • Relationship Type - Describes the relationship between products that are related. Use this field to create a SizeColor variation.Select one of the following options: Accessory Variation
  • Colour - The original color name of the product.
  • Size - The original size name of the product. Please use the local size for the Marketplace you are selling on. Please see the Size worksheet for size conversions.


Map your store categories to Amazon categories 

To get proper Amazon categories for your products you need to map your store categories to Amazon categories. 

Filter adjustment

You need to adjust the attribute filter to export just Removed products:

  • Export Out of Stock Products to "Yes"

You can apply attribute or category filters to export just required products

Connect to Amazon manual submission

The Amazon product feed is possible to submit only manually

If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us at  support@koongo.com.