Category Mapping Settings

Category mapping enables to assign your products into categories provided by particular channel. Proper adjustment may increase probablity, that certain prouduct will be found/bought by customers at the channel pages.


List of channel categories is downloaded automaticaly from Koongo server. You can update the categories by clicking button Update Channel(e.g. Google) Category Tree. If you are missing some categories please contact support.

Locale Switcher

You can select locale of current Channel(e.g. Google) categories. Preadjusted locale is similar to current profile's store locale.

  • Channel(e.g. Google) Category Locale - Dropdown menu contains all locales available for current channel. Some channels offer categories only in one default locale.

Category Mapping Rules

Mapping rules allows to map Magento product categories to chosen channel categories. You can map multiple Magento categories to single Channel category within each rule.

For details see Category Mapping Rules.

Category Mapping Preview

You can directly check, which products are mapped into which channel categories. Just click Preview button. Mapping preview is given by defined mapping rules.

For details see Category Mapping Preview.