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titleConnector Installation Servise
Did you know that you may order professional connector installation by Koongo support team? Just place an order of Connector Installation service!


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titleAfter module installation I got 404 error

This is NOT module bug and this may happen after installation of any Magento module.

Refresh your cache under System → Cache management. Then, log-out from your backend and then log-in again. That should help!


titleFatal error: Class 'Nostress_Nscexport_Helper_Data' not found in XXX on line 516

Probably you didnt turn off the compilation feature in Magento. You need to run the compilation process again - navigate to System Tools Compilation.

If you are unable to navigate to this section, uninstall the module first and refresh the cache. Then turn off compilation and install the module again.

titleFatal error: Call to a member function getAttributesSetup() on a non-object in XXX

Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttributesSetup() on a non-object in XXX/app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/Model/Profile.php on line 1.

Probably you use Suhosin PHP extension. Following variables must have these values:

  • 400

  • suhosin.request.max_vars 400

You can set up these variables in your .htaccess file in your Magento installation dir. If you wish to do so, ask your hosting administrator to set up suhosin.perdir = 'pr' in server configuration.


titleCan't load product configuration.

See the solution for previous error. This error is also connected with Suhosin.

titleNo content in Profile list after installation

In come cases the Profile list has no content and only white page appears. This usually happens after installation.

Image Removed

This means that the module is installed properly, however is deactivated in backend. Navigate to System → Configuration → Advanced and set up Nostress_Nscexport as Enabled.

titleUnknown column 'cpf1.xxxxx_value'

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'cpf2.score_value' in 'field list'

  • This is know multi-select attributes error in module version and was fixed in version


titleBase table or view not found: 1146 Table 'as70nskoongo.catalog_product_flat_1' doesn't exis

Koongo Connector requires product data stored as "flat catalog" in database. You need to do following:

  1. navigate to System → Index Management
  2. reindex Product Flat Data and Category Flat Data; in some cases you need to make the reindex twice
titleInvisible grid Blank page or no content at Koongo Connector → Export profiles

 Koongo Connector output is disabled in magneto configuration. There are also invisible grids at Image Added

The same problem may occur in Koongo Connector → Cronjob → Schedule and Koongo Connector → Cronjob → History.You need to do .

This problem is caused by disabled Koongo Connector output Magneto configuration usually happens after connector installation.

Do the following:

  1. navigate Navigate to System → Configuration Section Advanced Advanced Disable Modules Output
  2. set Set field Nostress_Nscexport to Enable


titleFatal error: Undefined class constant 'PARAM_DELIMITER'

This problem you may experience when upgrading the connector from version 5.x to 6.x and is related to the organization of files within connector package. In version 5.x and older, the files were store in local code pool. In newer, the files were moved to community code pool. Check /app/code/ folder. In some rare cases this problem can be related to Aitoc Cache module.

titleInvalid product and/or category data source

For solution please follow page Invalid product and or category data.

titleNew products are not added to the feed

For solution please follow page New products are not added to the feed.

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