Versions Compared


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titleConnector Upgrade Servise
Did you know that you may order professional connector installation by Koongo support team? Just place an order of Connector Installation servise service!

General instructions

In general, you just need to upload the new source code files your Magento installation folder. We recommend you to follow the same proceedure as you chosen for connector installation.

The latest connector version you may always find here:

Upgrading from version to higher

  1. Just log in My Account section and download the new connector version.
  2. Follow the General instructions mentioned above.
  3. In this case, the already created Export profiles will stay intact.



titleLicence policy


Download the latest connector version

You are allowed to download the connector updates released within a valid Support & Updates period associated with your License key. Thus, if your Support & Update period is valid at the moment of release of the connector update you may proceed immediately with connector update downloading, as shown in the figure below.

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Renewal process

However, if your Support & Updates period has expired you will see a notice encouraging you to renew your Support & Updates period.

  • The most convenient way how to renew your Support & Updates period is to click on one of the links displayed. Since you are already logged-in, you will be automatically redirected directly to Checkout and all information necessary for order placement will be auto-filled. The only thing you need to do is to choose the payment method.
  • The renewal process starts automatically immediately upon we receive your payment. You should get an email confirmation that your Support & Updates period has been extended.
  • Subsequently you can proceed with connector update downloading or with updating your feed and taxonomy list
  • For details please see /wiki/spaces/koongo/pages/787751


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Upgrading from version 5.x and older

Version 5.x is quite old and many important changes were introduced to connector since then, including the change in license policy. Thus, we recommend you do the following steps:

  1. Complete uninstallation
  2. Order new module version in NoStress Store
  3. Make a new installation


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Upgrading process

Basically, you just need to upload the new source code files to your Magento installation folder. We recommend you to follow the same procedure chosen for connector installation.

Connector and Export profiles settings remain intact.


Common Magento issues related to module installation: