In the second step of Export profile creation process you get:
This problem was found in connector versin and newer.
Log in to your server using FTP/SSH and check if Grid.php file is present in the file system
- app/code/community/Nostress/Nscexport/Block/Adminhtml/Nscexport/Helper/Form/Attributes/Translate/Grid.php
You should find out the probably one of the following points is true and causes the error:
- Grip.php is missing completely → unpack Unpack the connector tgz package and upload this file manually.
- The file name is grid.php with small "g" → Rename it to Grid.php with capital "G".
- The file name is with missing letter "p" at the end → Rename it to Grid.php.
- Instead of file Grid.php you find folder Grid.php → Delete this folder and unpack the connector tgz package and upload this file manually.
We are not sure why this issue occurs and we are currently investigating it.